The “who” behind Restored Movement


When Kellie Surratt was nineteen years old she had an encounter with the Lord, that forever changed her life. One sentence softly whispered from the heart of God to hers, branded her with the relentless love of an incredible Heavenly Father. While on fall break during her sophomore year of college, in her complete brokenness, she was invited into restoration. While watching a Christian television program, a woman was sharing her testimony about being healed of cancer. At that moment, Kellie heard as if someone was standing in front of her saying to her, “just like I healed her body, I can restore your soul.”  She responded to the undeniable love of God that covered her like a thick blanket and gave her life to Jesus wholeheartedly. Since then, she has stayed the course on the journey of becoming who she was created to be in Christ living a life that overflows His heart, nature, plan and purpose on the earth.

Kellie is a woman after God’s own heart who is motivated by love, driven by faith, and abounding in grace. With a professional background in social work and counseling, she has a passion to see individuals, families, communities, and nations restored to God’s original design. Her own journey awakened compassion within her to respond to the call to walk with women from various nations, generations, and backgrounds on their journey of restoration. Furthermore, equipping them to become all that God has created them to be through providing service as a Certified Christian Life Coach & Certified HIScoach. To learn more about her Life Coaching Services visit Reset Kingdom Life Coaching .

Through mission work, Kellie has poured into the lives of women in Guatemala, Belize, Kenya, Bulgaria, Honduras, Uganda, China, Albania, Grand Cayman Island, El Salvador, Romania, Rwanda, Egypt and Jordan. Also, she has spoken at women’s conferences in North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, and Kentucky. Kellie released her first book in 2020 entitled Restored To Royalty and in 2022 she released her second book My Life Is Not My Own. Both books are available on Amazon in paperback and ebook formats.

What People Are Saying


God has used Kellie in great ways in my life, she is one of the most spiritually influential people He has placed in my path. I can honestly say that every conversation I’ve had with Kellie has left me longing to love Jesus more than before. Her example of complete surrender encourages me to seek Him with all that I am!


Kellie has been an amazing spiritual mentor and friend to me for over 15 years. Her passion for the Lord is completely evident to anyone who meets her. She is such a great example of a full-blown surrendered life for the cause of Christ. I am truly blessed to know her and to call her not only a friend but a sister for life!



Kellie is an amazing person who has greatly impacted my life. She invests in my spiritual life; she helps me to embrace my identity of being a beloved daughter of God. She encourages me as I grow in my faith to trust and seek the Lord everyday.